Nightlife in Bogota, Colombia?
I came to Bogota, hoping to spend time with some friends I met on the internet. Unfortunately, I thought the women would be a little more accomodating. They have been "too busy," to spend much time with me. I will be leaving Sunday, but I would like to make the most of the last 3 days here. I do not speak much Spanish. I have a hotel at Virrey Park on Carrera 15, almost in the middle of Parque de la 93 and Zona Rosa. I do feel very safe in this area, and I do like both 93 and Rosa. I do not want to venture too far out of my "safety zone." My question is, what would be the best discos in my area to go to on Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night? And the discos that women might be more friendly to a lonely gringo in Bogota. =)
Please do not say "walk around Zona Rosa until you find one".. I want specifics and why it is good for that night. And remember, to be near my area of the city. Thanks!!!
MW... I went to Barranquilla.. and it sucks. Santiago, I really like your city of Bogota because the people are nice. Why are you the exception? As usual, when I use Yahoo answers.. I do not get answers to my question. I just get comments that do not help me. Anyone else, actually want to answer my question instead of leaving comments?