Unthawing and refreezing homemade babyfood?

So I made a bunch of baby food a month ago when my little girl started solids. As I am unthawing it and going to feed it to her I am finding it to be very watery. Tonight I took some peaches I had made and boiled them on the stove to get some of the water out. They are now at a better consistency. There is enough for two feedings so I will not freeze it. I was wondering though if I took some of the other stuff out and did this also would it be okay to refreeze. Or should I just do this as needed and not refreeze it. Only boil down enough for a day or two. Thanks


Favorite Answer

Meat is the only thing you shouldn't freeze, thaw, and re-freeze. But if you're talking about peaches, it is fine. And the person who told you it would ruin the texture? Hello? It's baby food -- there is no texture to begin with.

Having said that, it sounds like such a hassle to make food, freeze it, thaw it, boil it again, re-freeze it, just so that you can thaw it out again. Take it easy on yourself.


No, you should not refreeze food. Too much bacteria can get in while thawed, and freezing does not kill it, only put in it suspended animation, so to speak. Freezing causes many foods, esp watery fruits, to become even more watery. One thing I like to do is simply mix in a little cereal or fresh puree of some sort in order to thicken it a bit.

Hannah Claire2009-07-23T14:44:57Z

Don't refreeze it. That can cause more bacteria to enter the food. I would suggest that if it is too watery when you thaw it, that you add a spoonful of rice cereal. Mix it in until the consistency is the way you want it.


No. Thawing and refreezing makes food kinda gross -- it ruins the texture.

You know you could just give her a slice of peach, right? Or if you feel you must spoon-feed, you could just take a ripe peach, peel off a bit of the skin, and scrape it onto the spoon? What you are doing sounds like a lot of unnecessary hassle and all the processing isn't doing anything good to the food...


Thawing Baby Food

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