Can nipples be too big?

I was talking to my ex, and he was saying how he likes his current girlfriend's nipples better than mine because hers are really small and mine are like pepperoni's? I'm a low C cup, and they really are the size of pepperoni's. is that too big?


Favorite Answer

Depends on the guy's taste.
Some like little nipples and some like larger ones.

It's a personal preference thing.


lol your ex sounds weird. yes nipples CAN be to big but pepperonies are not very big. even normal at that lol


I like pepperoni and love the name brooke


Hiya Brooke, don't worry about what your bf says. He seems like a fool. I love the fact that you have large nipples and c cup boobs. Be proud of what you have ; )

Jason C2009-07-24T01:59:37Z

if youre a c cup...then it shouldnt be 2 bad...."pepporoni "sized nipples can be a turn off but on a big sized breast it shouldnt look too distinguished...i say its fine

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