Moving baby into crib?

So the crib we ordered will be here today. My husband really wants to set it up and move her in her own room as soon as possible. She is 5 and 1/2 months and sleeps in a pack and play in our room. I am excited for the crib but nervous about her not being next to me. If I am awake at night I will just watch her sleep. I also like being able to make sure she is alright. My friend told me that it is hard to do as she moved her son out who is the same age about a month ago. I am just wondering how to make it feel okay. She is not going to be far at all only 3 ft across the hall.


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Lol, I'm going through the same thing right now. She outgrew her bassinet, but I wasn't quite ready to "let go" and put her in her room yet, so she is in the pack n play next to me haha. I know you can hear her with a monitor but it's not the same. Today I talked my husband into rearranging the bedroom furniture so we could put the crib in our room for a couple of weeks. I think it will be easier for both me and my daughter if she gets used to sleeping in her crib with us first. Maybe if you let your husband know how strongly you feel about it, he will be ok with doing what we did for a couple of weeks. If not, you could look into getting a monitor with a video screen. Those are really nice but pretty expensive. Good luck!


I moved my baby into his crib almost 2 months ago and it has been the best decision for both of us! It is hard at first I did sleep in his room with him for the first 2 weeks! I reccommend that if you're worried, because it made me realize that he IS ok in his room! I also have a video monitor, they can be expensive mine was around $130, but I don't know how I would do without it, I'm always leaning over and checking the monitor, and it's comforting to be able to see him!

I think he sleeps better and longer in his room, without me interrferring all the time at every littke sound! He also moves all over his crib now when he sleeps, so I think growth wise he needed a bigger area. I moved him into his crib at 4 months, he's almost 6 months and we are both very happy! I DO still hold him till he falls asleep though, I'm not sure when I'll be able to put him down on his own. GOOD LUCK, you'll be glad you did it! :-)


Wow, you are taking a big step!!! Just take a deep breath, this is going to be much harder on you than her!!! I just did this with my son a few weeks ago, he is 7 months old and he has done wonderful! What made it better for me is like a week or so before he was moved to his own room I started to let him take naps in his crib so he would be use to it (It also helped me get use to him being in his own room) and we also have a baby monitor that has a sensor pad on it, I think the brand is angelcare. The sensor pad sounds an alarm if after 15 seconds it doesn't sense any movement. (like if someone picks him up out of the crib or if God forbid he stopped breathing) It does take some time to get the sensor pad to the right level but I really love it and it makes me feel a lot better. Good luck to you and I think you will do fine!

♥Sarah & Gracie's Mommy♥2009-07-24T14:21:20Z

It's always harder on the mom then the child. For about 2 weeks maybe more I was up & down all night checking on her, listening to the monitor. LOL . Just time will make it ok. Some mommies end up bringing the baby back to the room with them because they can't do it. And that's ok. It may take time, and it may be a easy transition. It was for my LO, she didn't really notice she was sleeping in another room. But I did have a good sleeper, she could sleep anywhere and didn't mind. Get a monitor if you don't have one, it will put you at ease hearing her breath and move, make sure she is all safe, no loose blankets, no stuff animals nothing in the crib. Good Luck mommy.


Ultimately only YOU know when the time is right. I mean, if your child is still in your room at 3years then I guess it would be a bit of a worry, but if you need a little while longer to enjoy your baby, then so be it. Have the crib set up and ready, it is always an exciting experience setting up baby's first room, but move her in when you are ready.

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