Will this video start the US Revolution?


Only 6.35 minutes and the action is a tea bags sent to representatives


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tea bags.. haha haha.

But yeah, congress is full of liars and we need a revolution against them all. Democrats and Republicans are all the same. They just jerk us around using different tactics.


No. who will they revolt against..... the concept isn;t original and the tea bagger are so ill informed its ridiculous, I mean do you not know that over the past 8 years the rich have received more tax cuts than anyone else..... your revolting against a system controlled by mostly right wingers for 8 years.


Send a tea bag to a congress man or woman
What do you think that will accomplish
That our congress will cower in fear when they see a tea bag LOL
Something like this I would expect from left wing moon bats
not Conservatives

The Jesus2009-07-24T08:15:19Z

No, because it is strictly a political publicity stunt that really has no basis in fact.

The original Boston Tea Party was a response to taxation w/out representation, which is not the case here.


great video and I agree with all that was said. too bad the American public is to wimped out to do anything.
should I mention here that Obama is NOT an American citizen.
I think that says it all.

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