How will Obama's health plan affect practitioners?

I am in my last year and a half of schooling in becoming an Occupational therapist (they work in rehab). Any-who, if the new health care plan goes through, how will this effect me? will I get paid more, less? is this a good thing for me or bad??

So far I don't like the sound of it, but I want others opinions, especially from Canadians who are already in this type of health system.--Thanks!


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Although Obama says publicly in his speeches that the govt. won't, under this plan, dictate to your doctor, he is lying: a part of the plan is the formation of a board of legislators who will oversee the govt insurance system, including deciding who gets what care, based on statistical deductions.

It's hard to say how it would affect an Occupational Therapist. Depends on how important that board deems your role to be.