I have heard it's not good to reheat food in a crock pot, even food you made in the crock pot, why is that?

Sandy Giggles2009-07-24T19:33:28Z

Favorite Answer

even on high, most crock pots will reheat to slowly and you risk bacteria growing. If the left overs are frozen, it is okay to thaw & reheat in the crock.


It is because crock pots are meant to slowly and gently cook. So the crock pot won't heat left overs enough to get to a food safe temperature and if it did it would take a ridiculously long time. It's much more practical to use the oven or microwave.


Crock pots are for cooking, not reheating. Will dry out your leftovers and they'll probably stick.


Because it takes too long


that is not true, you can do that