dog paralysis, first one leg now another, please help?
Last night when I got home from work, my dog (a shepherd mix) was in distress, which seemed to progress to pain very rapidly. The most sensitive area was one of her rear legs, and/or tail. She snapped at me when I tried to look. I took her to the local animal emergency clinic, but they would not look at her as I didn't have the cash, and can't get any until around noon today. She has become steadily worse, not getting any sleep, and now is seemingly paralysed in both back legs. (first one leg, and now both) She seems to be having trouble breathing, steady panting and constantly produces a quick high whine with her panting, obviously in pain. The aspca and shelters don't open until 1:00 today, and even there, I have to wait until I can go cash a check. Please help!
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Phone around as soon as you can as many vets and see who will treat her as quickly as possible, she needs a vet.
This is the Veterinarian's Oath "I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.
I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics. I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence".
On this I see nothing about not treating an animal whether ill or injuried if someone doesn't have the money up front. I would complain to the Veterinary Medical Association, the Royal College Veterinary Surgeons or the Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights ( Humane society) certainly after you get your dog treated, by a vet who does what they promise to do on qualifying.
My thoughts are will you, unfortunately i'm too far away to help physcially- if you can do it, slow gentle strokes on her ears in the direction her ears go, this will help her keep calm and as relaxed (as she can) and don't forget to breath slow and steady as you are doing it.
Veterinary Financial Assistance American Animal Hospital Association Angels 4 Animals Care Credit God's Creatures Ministry… Help-A-Pet IMOM The Pet Fund United Animal Nations Handicapped Pets…
Sorry, but we are not vets and are NOT qualified to answer such questions. You need to find the money, NOW, to see a vet, otherwise the poor dog needs to be surrendered to someone who will take proper care of it. Why not just put it on your credit card or borrow some money from a family member or good friend?
How is it that people always have money for their internet service, but not their dogs?
If this was you, would you not see a doctor, no matter what? This is a form of animal abuse.
Any kind of paralysis that is progressing certainly requires another follow up with your vet. Did they test for tick-borne diseases? Take x-rays to look at disc disease or spinal injury? Good luck, I hope she recovers.
Something isn't adding up here, because all you have to do is write a check. Get off yahoo and start calling local vets. Many are open on Saturdays and they'd think nothing weird of getting a check.
Your dog is going to die and it's a terrible death. She has a paralysis tick, could be more than 2 or 3 or 4 somewhere on her body. You must search everywhere on her for it/them and remove it asap. Find a vet immediately that will take her in and let you pay the account off. Every minute counts and the dog can die overnite.