How long does it take to make a nuclear power plant and how long to process the uranium?


and no, i'm not a terrorist, it's for a project (although my teacher might be one though)

Brian K²2009-07-28T06:12:50Z

Favorite Answer

To actually make a Nuclear power plant wouldn't take to long if we didn't have to have years of law suits and protesters slowing everything down. the processing of fuel is not terribly difficult the enrichment of nuclear fuel is not anywhere near the level required for weapons.

There are some relevant new projects under way to build the first new commercial nuclear power plants in the USA using newer, higher power, and passively safe design in the not too distant future.


Most estimates I have seen are around 5 years from first pour of concrete to first power production.
Reactor fuel is generally in the form of ceramic pellets. These are formed from pressed uranium oxide which is sintered (baked) at a high temperature (over 1400°C). The pellets are then encased in metal tubes to form fuel rods, which are arranged into a fuel assembly ready for introduction into a reactor. The dimensions of the fuel pellets and other components of the fuel assembly are precisely controlled to ensure consistency in the characteristics of the fuel.




The pertinent question is how do we dispose of the rods without contaminating the ground water and surface area permanently?