Girls - Has your clitoris ever fallen asleep?

Occasionally (and by that I mean, not often), i will get a tingling feeling there (mostly when I have been sitting for little bit) and its so annoying, its hard to get up and walk when its asleep. It almost feels like when your leg falls asleep. That tingly feeling.


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That happened to me once!! It was a long, long time ago when I was at soccer practice and we were all sitting on our soccer balls as the coach lectured us. After a long time he told us to get up and go practice and when I stood up, my clit and my labia and everything had fallen asleep! it was the weirdest, most uncomfortable sensation ever.




wow haha nope thats never happened to me. sounds pretty uncomfortable


No, that hasn' sounds painful


lol when im bursting for a pee and finally get to the loo it takes me to ajust to taking a p*ss my clit is like wtf

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