I have seen some questions about the Magic Jack. Can you tell me if it works on both a pc and a laptop?

If it does work with a pc where do you attache it?


I have a fax/printer with a phone jack connected to my pc. I would think this would be the place to connect the Magic Jack.


Thanks prog0m for the video.


Favorite Answer

It should work on a PC and a Laptop. It only uses the USB port and High Speed network.


I bought Magic Jack and it can be used on any computer. I have one major complaint and because of it no longer use it. My complaint is that when the phone rings a screen pops up on your computer and if you are typing at that time it keeps you from typing anything else until you delete that screen. It was a pain since I do school online and have timed test. I would just unplug the phone when I needed to not be interrupted, but it became a big hassle.


All you need is an Internet connection and a USB port for it to work with any computer.


yes it works with both pc and laptop, plug it into a usb port


Yes it will work with either