why is ben bernake still in charge?

there is a bill to audit the FED he is out speeking agianst it..does this man have a clue


Favorite Answer

Because his term doesn't end until January 31st.


The fact of the matter is an independent Central Bank is most beneficial to any given Economy and so it is only natural that he speak out, Most people tend to forget that a recession occurred after Greenspan was chosen and it took time to get things in order. This is the Economy and there is no fixed solution to solving the problem and if anyone is capable of handling the situation it is definitely the guys at the FED. The bill sponsored by Ron Paul might seem helpful, but i don't believe a bunch of politicians making 'Monetary policy' recommendations is great for any Economy. Just think, there is a reason why most Central banks in other developed and developing countries are independent. The guys at the FED are chosen for longer terms and genuinely care about the long term effects of their actions, on the other hand Politicians are mostly only pushing to get reelected.