I know a lot of people that very seriously dispsove of the catholic church. And i know the whole sex scandles with priests thing happens, but i've never met any ill-intentioned priests. For every bad one there are ten more good ones...but that is not even my question. I find the Catholic church appeals to me. They don't try to shove their religion down any body's throat. They have thousands of charities that help the poor, less fortuneate, mantally and physically challenged, refugees, and children. Maybe i don't agree COMPLETLY with every doctrine. But the fundamentals...Jesus came, died, and rose again. It seems pretty sound to me. Sure they have a long history including corruption, but reforms have been made long since then and i don't see anything wrong with that. What do you thing Catholics yea or nay???
Jim ((C.A.B.))2009-07-30T09:18:51Z
Favorite Answer
<<"I know a lot of people that very seriously dispsove of the catholic church.">>
Yes, I know quite a few as well. But that's not my problem. They fret and bigot over simple Catholic doctrine that can be proven with a quick look into the Scriptures and the Catechism.
<<"And i know the whole sex scandles with priests thing happens, but i've never met any ill-intentioned priests. For every bad one there are ten more good ones...but that is not even my question.">>
Don't let the VERY FEW bad apples on the whole tree stray you away from the entire Catholic Church.
I have never personally met any ill-intentioned priests either.
Less than 1% of all ordained priests have committed an act of sex abuse. That is not many at all (although still far too much); and is much lower than the rate of sex abuse for protestant ministers - which stands at a lofty 6%.
For every 1 corrupt priest, there are many hundreds of true priests.
Besides, the priests who have committed acts of sex abuse are NOT Catholics - they are not Christians, in fact. Don't confuse these pedophiles with legitimate ministers. These people are criminals, sent by satan. They never had any intent to bring good to the Catholic Church even from the beginning. Rather, they merely took on seminary because of their premeditated plan to bring the gates of hell towards Christ's Church.
<<"I find the Catholic church appeals to me. They don't try to shove their religion down any body's throat.">>
Yes, I adore that about the Catholic Church as well. Unlike many protestant Churches, the Catholic Church has a very mature attitude when dealing with evangelization.
<<"They have thousands of charities that help the poor, less fortuneate, mantally and physically challenged, refugees, and children.">>
Correct. The Catholic Church gives away more money to charitable causes in one week than any one person will ever make in their lifetime. The number of individual charity organizations is far to long to list here. However, one can get a feel for the broad reaches of Catholic charity by performing a search on google.
<<"Sure they have a long history including corruption, but reforms have been made long since then and i don't see anything wrong with that.">>
There is no religious body on this earth that has operated from it's beginning to the present without enduring some sort of corruption at certain point(s) throughout it's history. That's an effect of being lead by a heirarchy of flawed humans. That doesn't mean, though, that the Church isn't ultimately led by the Lord.
<<"What do you thing Catholics yea or nay???">>
I say "yea". You sound like someone who would be very interested in an in-depth education of the Holy Catholic Faith. I would recommend that you sign up for RCIA classes. This is about the time of year to sign up; most parishes begin their RCIA within the next few weeks. Good luck!
Sorry, "Matt89", but not one of your accusations derive from truth. In fact, they are completely ridiculous. We Catholics, and God, both know what Our Church is really about. What you make up to try and stop that will not change us.
You need to realise that Catholicism pretty much *was* Christianity until the Reformation of the sixteenth century, and as I'm sure you appreciate some pretty bad sh¡t used to go down back then. The only reason that Protestant denominations didn't do similarly unpleasant things (on such a large scale, at least) is because Europe was gradually becoming more civilised. By the time the Thirty Years' War had ended everyone was left feeling a little bit religious-intoleranced-out. Do you genuinely believe that your teacher is using history as a stick with to beat Catholics? If they're doing so from a non-Catholic Christian perspective, complain. If they're doing so from an atheist perspective then fair enough.
I completely agree with you I have never met a Priest who has been a bad person I think the bad press we get is due to the media basically stating all Catholic priests are pedophiles when in reality as Jim said less than 1% actually are, I may be Irish but I was not raised a practicing Catholic because I was allowed to pick my own religion I do not go to church as of now but I plan to Go this Sunday however I do pray to God and Jesus and thank them for all they ve done also when I was younger I was a choir singer in church under 3 different priest as sadly 1 had gone to another parish and 1 had died I was fond of these men and they never abused me in any way and were the kindest most pure people I have ever met also I was an altar boy again I was never molested My Great Grandmother was a nun during the Spanish Civil war by the way Matt89 and she tended to the wounds of both sides not just Franco s men please use credible sources for arguments because it seems like your using pure propaganda, also one last fact I knew many foreign priests they were treated equally to white priests so that eliminates the idea of the Catholic Church being full of Racists in the end the Church along with God and Jesus have been good to me I respect all other faiths as long as they don t undermine and insult my own
There is nothing wrong with the Catholic Church and in fact we are in quite an exciting time!
The new Priests are amazing most are great holy men called by God. We have more new people coming into the Churches here in the midwest. RCIA program is a huge success.
Mat 89, WOW you REALLY buy that stuff???? Matt, those are not YOUR problems with the Catholic Church, those are Jacks. I will Pray for you and Jack.
I used to have many of the false beliefs about the Catholic Faith that some have cited here. I investigated them over 20 years and ended up going through RCIA and becoming Catholic 3 years ago at the age of 42. Cool times. Thanks for being open minded and not blindly falling for all of the hate that some spew.
I am a loving, devout, practicing Catholic. You are correct when you mention how charitable the Catholic Church is. When the tsumani hit, Catholic Charities was in the forefront to help all the people.
People love to bash Catholics, it's a way of life for some people.