Affordable barns that are reasonably close to NYC - do they exist?

I'm only just exploring this this even a possibility? I'm willing to try and be as flexible as possible..but I'd be looking for somewhere that offered quality care for below 600 dollars a month that is no more than 45 minutes away from NYC.

Come August-September 2010 - I am moving to Brooklyn for school. I'll be enrolling full-time in the Spring semester(Jan). In addition to this, I'll be working full-time, and paying for my own rent, groceries, etc.

My parents are covering school, and they are going to continue paying for my horse - who we were going to look to lease out. While I am not outrageously far from NYC(about an hour and a half) - I'd love to see if I could find something closer, and try and half lease him out. The school I'm attending does not have an equestrian team or anything to reference.

Being that I've been riding for 12 consecutive years without more than a 2 week hiatus, I'm pretty convinced that I'll go insane fairly quick if I can't atleast get a weekly fix. Ideally, I'd like a 3x weekly fix, on my own horse, while a responsible individual rode the other 3 days.


Thanks =).

I don't want to be overly optimistic about anything - but I HOPE I can find a clean, safe facility with an indoor arena for under 600.

I just want my horse to be happy and comfortable..and if that means staying where he is, so be it - but giving up riding and giving up my horse feels a little bit like I'm giving up apart of myself...

SO. I'm going to try and be flexible =).

frog prince2009-07-30T16:59:29Z

Favorite Answer

You would just have to search around in like or I would think barns around NYC would be rather expensive but that's just my guess. Just for board though I'm sure you could find something in that price range. We pay on average $700 a month for board, training, and the showing of our horse to be on the show circuit. So, just for board there has to be something cheaper than that! I would hope so anyway. Then again it is NY and everything seems to be expensive there.