I just read about proxy baptisms ( where they baptize a dead person so they can be "saved"). Why would someone do this? Isn't it an insult to the deceased? I am Wiccan and I know that is someone baptized me after I died ( considering I knew about it ) I would be angry.
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I consider that kind of thing exceptionally rude and insulting as well. I've worked very hard to not break Troth with my deities in life. I really don't want someone who follows a deity that is completely foreign to my culture, not to mention my core beliefs, trying to influence my afterlife (or, if I'm lucky, lack thereof).
I think some people have this as part of their faith, but I honestly don't understand the reasoning behind it. I mean, what if a family member didn't like the deceased? Could they just choose to not participate and then "doom" the dead person, so to speak? It is a puzzling thing to me.
That would be like burying a muslim in pigs blood after he died knowing that he bellieved that if he touches pig blood before his burial that he will go to hill.
Just utterly rude and inconciderate and absolutely disgraceful. Not to mention it loses the entire meaning of what baptism is suppose to be anyway. People that don't know how to read shouldn't be allowed to make choices or do things that involve leadership or influence.
You cannot be saved after you die. You have to make the choice while you are alive. Some well meaning family member cannot change Gods will no matter how much they would like to think they could.