How can you reduce the appearance of a mustache?

So I have a fuzz kind of hair on my upper lip. Can i do anything about it? It's really noticeable.


Favorite Answer

dont shave it!!! omg it will grow back darker,
pluck or bleach the hairs


DO NOT SHAVE IT! If you shave it it will grow back thicker and after a while it grows back faster, plus you can still see it there is like a shadow. Either wax it or thread it the wax is faster painful but its better and it will last longer.


I've found that waxing works the best with the longest lasting results. I use Sally Hansen's Cold Wax hair remover & easy to use. Your hair stylist can help you out too.


shave/wax/pluck it
or you could get it threaded i think which hurts like a mother [at least on eyebrows]
or you could bleach/lighten it

Pedo Bear2009-08-01T15:47:35Z

you shave the damn thing off you ******

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