There are more and more studies showing how smart crows are. Crows could recognize humans faces in multiple studies, they used tools to escape some cages, and now they somehow have a basic understanding of volume in water (they used stones to displace water and raise the water level to get a worm). It seems more and more animals are being discovered to use tools and use some kind of reasoning.
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You betcha! AND... the smartest ones live in the greater Boston, Massachusetts, New England area. Do you know why you NEVER see a street~pizza crow in this part of the U.S.?....Because they ALWAYS have one or two of their buddies sitting "look~out" for oncoming traffic. They warn the ones on the ground by squawking out..."CAH! CAH! CAH!...
I read once that crows where used in many movies as sidekicks for dark villains because of their true cleverness in reality. This was a while ago though or I'd link you to the article in wich I do not recal the site. In my personal opinion I think they are Self Aware or just very clever beings :)
Check out this Vid though
Possibly, but it's unlikely. One common test for this is the "mirror test." It basically puts the animal in front of a mirror and observes to determine if it "realizes" that the reflection is itself rather than just another of its species. Obviously, this is a pretty vague test, since not all species are as visually oriented as we are. Most primates fail it, but gorillas pass. I've never heard of crows passing it.