What are the major reasons why Democracies are so easy to hijack by special interests?

The old Soviet Union used democracy to enslave entire countries! Democracy is easily used to remove the rights and safety of both minorities, and by trickery, majorities. All methods of brainwashing, from media to Scopolamine, can't account for all of it. Is it simply a need for improved thinking and design of government, such as "one district, one committed electoral vote", etc? Or is there a fatal flaw such as too high a % of criminal genetics in the gene pool, hiding behind healthy robustness? Opinions please.


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"one district, one committed electoral vote" is an excellent idea. But I think the problem is negative ads that people actually believe. So if a party raises enough money, they can put out those ads to mis-lead the public about their opposition.
Both parties do that, and I think it stinks - but it's the voters fault for believing that BS. Money can buy elections.


People just take for truth Sound bites that are pleasing to the ears without Fully investigating and Looking into issues on their own and THINKING. They ASSUME it will never happen. The Same attitudes Jews had during and Before World War 2! Disarm the People for an easy Walk in and takeover or handover of government either by force, treaty or vote. They tend to use or should i day misuse the laws on the books. They do it by having Money and Special Interest Lobbyists.


For the same reasons Republicans are, just different issues.


False promises.