Are the SEIU and ACORN becoming Obama's stormtroopers?

It seems as though our president is creating groups that will act at his beckon call, because of financial favoritism.


Vendetta has been brain washed, 95% of the people in my community are against this health care foolishness, no one has bought us out, asked us to go to town halls, or do anything against our will. We are people speaking our minds, Americans practicing our freedom of speech, that scares some.


I never said that we are against reform. I do not think that thee are many people who would say that the medical machine in this country does not need reform, but this is not it.

Earl Hickey2009-08-10T05:52:26Z

No. They are merely reacting to the right-wing, Nazi Brownshirt type of attacks at the town hall meetings.

Right-Wing Turncoat Gives the Inside Scoop on Why Conservatives Are Rampaging Town Halls
By Frank Schaeffer, AlterNet. Posted August 7, 2009.


Having failed at the ballot box, having watched their Fox News-organized "tea parties" fizzle the intimidation tactics which the Republicans have embraced are being used in a well-financed, top-down orchestrated fake grass roots campaign by corporate interests to try and protect the profits of the insurance business. Armey's FreedomWorks is organizing against health care reform. Armey's lobbying firm represents pharmaceutical companies including Bristol-Myers Squibb. Armey's lobbying firm also represents the trade group for the life insurance industry. FreedomWorks is supporting the status quo at all costs.

The "Scorched Earth Policy"

Dick Army and company have been driven mad by their reversal, not just of political fortunes but of seeing that they've wasted their lives. They now know they were wrong: about the country, the free market, war for fun and profit, and what the American people really want. They made their best case and were rejected by the American people -- and by history. Bush was their man and he turned out to be a fool. So now all the the Republican gurus have left is what the defeated Germans of World War Two had: a scorched earth policy. If they can't win then everyone must go down. Obama must fail! The country must fail!


I agree these are nothing more than bullies trying to prevent decent Democrats and Republicans from expressing there voice.

Best thing we can do now is to vote them out and choose wiser, Thus pulling the teeth from the big fat cats trying to force these unneeded programs down our throat.

I have mentioned before we have government programs already for health care, Medicaid/care all that is needed is a little expansion of these to cover the un insured


95% of the people in your community? Really. How was that conclusion reached? Also, if you believe in democracy then the rest of the country gets a say in this issue too. If the majority of people in the United States wanted health care reform, do you think that their wishes should be superseded by you and the people in your community?


Obama promised to allow a five-day open comment period before he signed bills into law, he broke that deal immediately after elected! Any questions?

Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega has employed neighborhood committees called Citizens Power Councils, or CPCs, used by his
corrupt Sandinista party to spy on citizens, intimidate and torture them.
Either the Constitution matters or it doesn’t.
If we are willing to ignore the constitutional requirements for the highest office
in our land, what else are we willing to forgo? That part about free speech?
Freedom of the press? Freedom of religion?


He told everyone very openly during his campaign and again after being in office that he intends on creating a civilian police force that is funded just as well as our military. Obama is a nut job.

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