If given the opportunity to make foods from scratch would?

Instead of buying everything pre mixed,frozen,seasoned, would you rather know how to make it your self. For example, we made all our own cereals,pies,cakes,macaroni and cheese, before Stouffers and banquet came along, it was made from scratch. Would you prefer to find it already made or fix it yourself


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I do make 90% of my food from scratch - apart from things like dried pasta. I find it fascinating to find out how to make something and then do it for half the price of a store-bought version. :o)

Happiest in the kitchen.2009-08-11T09:12:46Z

I make 90 percent of our foods from scratch.

We only have cereal on occasion, and we didn't make our own cereal back when, that was something that came along for convenience when stay at home Mom's started going to work, but people did actually make oatmeal from scratch. Wich is so easy it's not even funny.

I do have a few packaged items for quick meals when time is short but I make pretty much everything and we eat left overs for lunch the next day.


I definitely prefer making things from scratch....and do most of the time/when ever possible.....but the bottom line for me is I work full time and sometimes need something for dinner that isn't going to take 45 minutes to 2 hours to prepare


I would rather make it from scratch. I think it is healthier and you don't have to worry about a percentage of rat droppings, bugs, etc in your food. Process food may be quicker, but not better for you.


I would prefer to make it myself! There is always a feeling of accomplishment when I am able to make something from scratch! BTW, I am looking for a stuffing recipe, if anyone comes across one!

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