Flying with infant- Formula question?

What I was planning to do was since I use Playtex drop ins, was just to measure out the formula beforehand and then add the water when I am through security. Do I still need to declare the bottles if they are only the powder? And is this allowed?

Thank you!


Reverend. great for you. Dont make me feel like less of a mom bc I cant bf due to a medical problem and medication. 'preciate.

lovin' my baby boy..and girl2009-08-11T09:11:53Z

Favorite Answer

Yeah, when going through security, just make sure all the bottles and formula are kept in the diaper bag...they will do a more in depth search of the diaper bag and look into it all making sure it's formula and making sure it's just water. I expected it to be worse than it really was. We did the same thing--just measured out the formula. We actually just bought a bottle of water on the plane so we didn't have to deal with security for the water too.

Alicia G2009-08-11T16:12:02Z

If you have the powder milk they will allow you to bring water through security you just have to show them the powder. Also if that formula makes a liquid form it makes the trip alot easier. I fly often with my 6 month old and its a lifesaver.

I luv Jax2009-08-11T16:15:56Z

We flew with my son a couple of months ago. I filled the Platex drop-in bottles with water and brought a can of his formula. The security will test your water and maybe formula. Once on the plane I just had to drop in a couple of scoops of formula and shake.


this is why I breastfeed, so much easier no declarations or powders needed I just have to wipe out a girl or two.