Was Jesus gay or was he just acting out?

He wasn't married and surrounded himself with long haired men. And he said to love other men. I thought Christians were against "man love"?


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He was so gay. That's what i truly belive in. :)

troy p2009-08-12T06:20:52Z

We don't exactly know if he was married or in a relationship with another woman. But, if he were gay then I think tougher questions would of been giving to him other than washing of hands, recognition of money, and how to pray. If he were gay I think the wine would of been sparkling wine, and the verse would of read like this: "Which one of you Bitches without sin would dare cast the first STONE!!!". And to top it all off he would of designed a better head of thorns, too. Jesus wasn't gay.


hey!!!! shut the freakin hell up you fool. he is a messenger of god .

if you cant respect him then keep your mouth shut.

and no christianity is not against "man love" it is against homos. every man should love the other. of course you people dont know the true manning of love. on the other thought not many people do.

love is some thing that your hearts will always lack. love is not about making out lust is about making out. love is about giving , caring, giving priority to some one. you cant understand love. because where lust lives love gets out. your heart is just full of lust and love will never come to you.

jesus was and is beloved of god. do you think that god will spear you for saying this about jesus. ask for forgiveness in this world or in that world you are going to repent.

i know i am a muslims but that does not change the fact that jesus was the messenger of god. and one of the greatest prophets. stop talking junk about jesus.

or just wait for your death and see what awaits you there.


Jesus loves everyone and this isnt a very nice question
do you beleive in Jesus? Jesus should be your friend
have you heard the song one way Jesus? Well its
very catchy and also it helps you beleive and remember
if you dont have Jesus in your life your life is ganna be
more depressing then if you had him in your life. xx


He did wear sandals and hang out with a bunch of guys.

But honestly, does it matter?

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