Why if the first day of the week is Sunday, do we celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday as Christians?

Since this would make the 7th day Saturday. Is it because the Jewish Sabbath is on Saturday so we need to be different?


Favorite Answer

It was moved to Sunday.

Acts 20:7 "And on the first day of the week, when we were assembled to break bread, Paul discoursed with them, being to depart on the morrow: and he continued his speech until midnight."

Zena IC XC NIKA2009-08-13T16:20:29Z

Actually Sabbath is Sabbath on Saturday..

. The Sabbath is a day to cease our creating, working with the creation, and appreciate what God has done in the world and is doing in us. Genesis 2

2. Elaborate food preparation is to be done on the day before the Sabbath so that there is no baking or heavy cooking on the Sabbath. Exodus 16

3. The Sabbath is a time to lay our burdens down and rest. We should not do any servile work on the Sabbath. This includes our entire family, even our servants and beasts of burden and strangers who live among us. Jeremiah 17; Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5

4. The Sabbath is an holy convocation. We should meet and worship with others. Leviticus 23

5. We should be reverent and show God that we love, honor, and respect His authority. Psalm 89:7, Habakkuk 2:20

6. The Sabbath should be a day of delight and rejoicing, a day which we forsake our thoughts and words for God's thoughts and words. Isaiah 56, 58

7. The Sabbath is a time of healing. Matthew 12, Mark 1, 3, Luke 13, 14

8. We are not to buy or sell on the Sabbath. Nehemiah 13

9. The Sabbath is a time to do good and visit and comfort the sick. We should do spiritual work on the Sabbath, serving others. John 5

10. The Sabbath is a time of prayer. Acts 16:13

11. The Sabbath is a time to reason with others about spiritual principles, and for ministers to teach the word of God. Acts 17:2, 18:4, 11

12. The Sabbath is a time for Singing. Ephesians 5:19-20, Colossians 3:16, Psalms 92 is called the "Sabbath Psalm"


Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy

We called Sunday the Lords Day.. But in Bible the Christians met
on Sabbath.

The Lords day was Sunday in Bible
In Bible
1 Cor. 16.1-2
Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I directed the churches of Galatia, so do you also. On the first day of every week let each one of you put aside and save, as he may prosper, that no collections be made when I come." (1 Cor 16:1-2)

1 Cor 16:2 "first day of every week"
Acts 14:23 appoint elders in every [city


Worship on Both
Some people go on Saturday Vespers and Sunday Wosphip Liturgy

Greek Orthodox Katholikos Christian

DS M2009-08-15T21:39:37Z

What makes you think that the Sabbath that Moses celebrated was the same one we celebrate today?

The Jewish Sabbath was never on Saturday prior to the creation of the Gregorian calendar.

***Most countries adopted the Gregorian calendar in a single, one-time correction. Catholic countries quickly adopted the reform when Pope Gregory proclaimed it. Many of the major countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland), skipped from October 4, 1582 to October 15, 1582, which we now take, for simplicity's sake, to be the canonical point of switch. The other Catholic countries quickly followed suit. Some, like France, by the end of 1582, others, like the Catholic parts of Switzerland (and, interestingly, the Spanish colonies in America—probably the result of delays in communication—waited until 1584. For some odd reason, the Spanish Netherlands switched over at the very end of 1582 (from December 21 to January 1), which means they skipped Christmas that year.***


Just because the Gregorian changed, didn't mean the Sabbath needed to change. If the real Sabbath was correctly celebrated on October 4, 1582, then the Sabbath stopped being on Saturday the next day as 10 days ticked off the calendar.

Hope this helps

By Faith2009-08-12T11:32:19Z

God first gave the sabbath as a duty to man in the book of Exodus. It is true that the sabbath originated at the completion of the creation (Ge. 2:1-3), but that was God's rest, not man's. There is no record in Genesis that God gave the sabbath to man, and there is no record of men keeping the sabbath before Israel in the wilderness. Ne. 9:13,14 plainly states that the sabbath was first given to Israel. Seventh-day Adventists teach that men kept the sabbath from the days of Adam onward, but this is contrary to the Bible's own record.

Ex. 31:12-18 says the sabbath was a special sign between God and Israel. If mankind in general had been given the sabbath following creation, it could not have been a sign for Israel. The fact is that the sabbath belongs to the nation Israel and not to any other people. It is also important to note that the sabbath will be an eternal possession of Israel (Ex. 31:16). This sign will never be annulled or transferred to another people. This explains why the prophets foretell that Israel will keep the sabbath even after the kingdom of Christ is established on earth (Is. 66:23). It also explains why Jesus Christ mentioned the sabbath in His prophecies of the Tribulation (Mt. 24:20). Israelites in the land of Palestine still keep the sabbath today.

In their writings to the churches, the Apostles only mentioned the sabbath three times. (1) The sabbath is a symbol of salvation rest in Christ (He. 4). (2) The N.T. believer is not bound to keep the sabbath (Col. 2:9-17). (3) The N.T. believer has liberty in the matter of holy days (Ro. 14). Those who teach that the sabbath is binding upon the Christian, are going contrary to what the Apostles taught.

Why, then, did Jesus keep the Sabbath? He kept the sabbath for the same reason He kept all the other Mosaic laws. He also observed the feasts. Jesus did these things because He was born a Jew, born under the law, that He might fulfill it and redeem His people from its penalty and bondage (Ga. 4:4; Ro. 9:5).

The "first day of the week" is the appointed day of worship for New Testament Christians. The disciples and New Testament Christians met and worshiped on the first day of the week (Acts 20:6-7; I Cor. 16:2). Jesus rose and completed our redemption on the first day of the week (Mark 16:9). Jesus met with His disciples after His resurrection - more than once - on the first day of the week (Mark 16:9-12; Mat 28:8-10; Luke 24:36). Jesus blessed His disciples and gave them the Holy Spirit on the first day of the week (John 20:19). The Gospel of a risen Saviour was first preached on the first day of the week (Luke 24:34). The Holy Spirit descended on the first day of the week (Acts 2 - We know Pentecost was on a Sunday because it was always on the 50th day after Passover - Lev. 23:15-16.)

Christians do not keep the sabbath. We keep the first day of the week.


Saturday is still the Sabbath however Sunday is the day of Resurrection so both days should be considered Holy. A bit of linguistic testimony to how arly christians viewed both as Holy
the languages that don't use pagan names for Saturday and sunday call Saturday some thing along the lines of Sabota or Sabbath and Sunday is either the Lord's day or the day of Resurrection. So the early Church did not move a thing simply added the celebration of Christ's Resurrection on Sunday.

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