Agree or Disagree on these random statements...?

I will post some bizarre yet interesting topics, you come up with your opinions into why you would agree and disagree with those wrestling related topics (Also, these are not my personal opinions, just random thoughts)

1 - On mic skills, Jack Swagger looks far more confident on the mic than Randy Orton at times

2 - Edge is one of the best heels in WWE modern times (2000 - today)

3 - The Big Show is more intimidating than The Great Kahli

4 - John Cena is underappreciated

5 - Chyna should never have been near a wrestling ring

Sarah Doublemint2009-08-12T13:19:44Z

Favorite Answer

1. Somewhat agree. Physically yes, I think Swagger has that funny little smirk that makes him seem more confident. But when Orton speaks, he just sounds so cold and single-minded that he seems more sure of himself. I'd like to see them verbally battle it out to see them side-by-side.

2. Agree. I wouldn't say he's the best, but he's definitely high up on the list of hatable Superstars, especially when he's acting manipulative. He's spectacularly slimy.

3. Disagree. I feel like if I got caught in a dark alley I could outrun The Big Show... but Khali is just enormous, like he could just reach out with one of those gigantic paws and crush me. Plus it seems like there's something off about his jaw and face, which is eerie.

4. Agree. I don't think he's entertaining, but this new angle with Orton is interesting. I'll give Cena credit where it's due, though- he is a very solid technical wrestler, however limited his moveset.

5. Disagree. Again, I'm not a huge fan, but she at least made a great contrast to airy blonde Divas like Trish Stratus. I don't think she's as spectacular as some people make her out to be. She had a good career, had some entertaining matches, but nothing outstanding... pretty much an average Diva. Today she'd crush over half the roster, but that's just my own ranting.


1 - Agree. I'm not sure if the reason behind this is because of their characters and/or gimmicks, but Jack Swagger does come out more confident than Randy Orton. It seems to me as if Randy Orton is holding back and now showing much of his mic skills that I think he truly has. Jack Swagger being younger and more new to the business my explain why he comes off more confident and comfortable on the mic. Of course, this is sometimes.

2 - Agree. There's not much big of a list on being one of the few best heels from 2000 through today. Edge has personality and the versatility in his character that makes him one of the best heels from 2000 to the current day.

3 - Disagree. The Great Khali has that bigger unknown presence. I think it's due to the fact he rarely speaks English or speaks at all. Therefore, that kind of gives me that unknown, but bigger (also because of his size) presence rather than the Big Show.

4 - Agree. He's a hard worker, dedicated and loyal to the business. It's somewhat rare in today's generation to find workers like him. He's a good wrestler when not limited under Vince McMahon's system. Him being "the face" of the WWE proves that he's one of the hardest working people in the business. I'm not a fan, but I have to respect and give credit where it is due.

5 - Disagree. Although, she wasn't the greatest worker, she did make her own impact in some way, shape or form. Being a powerhouse was kind of new during that era (at least ever since I have watched wrestling). I did find her to be a draw when she went on her own route, but will be remembered mostly for her role with D-Generation X.


1. Yeah, sometimes he does. Randy just repeats himself and it works for awhile, then gets boring and just doesn't have the same effect. Jack Swagger is good, but we haven't seen the best of him yet.

2. Yes, definitley. IMO he is. His mic skills are fantastic, he plays the heel character so well. He's so slimey and arrogant, which is a good thing. He is very mean looking which also benefits him. He's been involved in some classic fueds and just played his part well throughout.

3. Agree and disagree. Khali isn't that intimidating now because he's more face than anything. But at first he used to be kinda scary. Big Show is 100% heel and mean looking so he's probably more intimidating now, generally. But if I walked up to these guys on the street I'd feel more intimidated by Khali.

4. Agree massivley. He is. He has a hell of a lot of fans, but so so many haters. Most of the haters use the reason of he's always champion, he don't deserve it. He has 5 moves, he's overrated. Blah blah blah blah. Cena has much more than 5 moves and he isn't really overrated, especially compared to fan faves like Batista. John Cena has given a lot to the WWE, he always gives 100% and so much heart. Cena is mostly always champ because he carries it well, he makes money for WWE and he is talented. So he's definitley underappreciated by certain people.

5. Lol. Disagree. She was quite good and she made history, so give her some credits.


1) Agree 2) Agree 3) Disagree 4) Agree 5) Disagree 6) Agree 7) Agree 8) Agree 9) Agree


1 Agree. Jack Swagger looks more confident while Orton looks more intimidating IMO.

2 Agree. Edge is one of the best overall heels whether you like it or not. He is good on the mic and in the ring.

3 Disagree. I've seen Khali in person. He almost made me sh*t my pants! LOL

4 Agree completely. Lately I've seen alot of people attacking Cena on how he is the whole reason the PG era exists. But he is talented it's just that he got boring and we need new people in the Main Event Scene.

5 I sort of agree. Chyna was just a powerhouse who dominated the ring, but since she entered that how we got Kelly Kelly because Chyna was such an eye sore. Yet she was a pioneer that says you can be ugly and fight in the WWE/WWF!

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