I am hoping that my parents will eventually give in and get me a laptop since it's the only thing I want.
Do you have any recommendations on Pink Dell laptops? Links will help out a lot (:
*I figured a lot of teens have their own laptop, that's why the question is here*
I like MacBooks and all, but there is no way I am paying that much money for one. I doubt my parents will as well. Aha.
dell laptops suck. Get a hp they are really good computers. I dont know if you can customize it with pink but you can but designs and stuff on it. Plus they are cheaper. http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/shopping/series_can.do;HHOJSID=ZwN0KGTGj1BJxQBrDDv6CtbT15l6pY3Mw80yLPKnKM1Vj8LzTGTs!-1819844527?storeName=computer_store&landing=notebooks&a1=Category&v1=Everyday%20computing
EDIT: if you are looking for more then the look i suggest you ask this in computers because people there give really long and helpful answers. I suggest the hp above all. Get a mac if you do a lot of designing and stuff other than that you are just paying tons of money for a brand. I am going to get a new desktop and mini notebook because then i can use the desktop while i am at home but when i am at school or the library i can use the mini one. check those out
Well I'm 13 . I bought my own , and it works awesomely . It's a Widescreen HP Pavillion dv6000 . It's from Wal-Mart , too , and was $650 when I bought it , but about a weeks later went up to $800 , I'm not sure if it's still there or that expensive .
well i have a toshiba and i love it but i would much rather have a apple they are amazing but much more expensive so if you want a laptop i would that is less expensive and still very good is a toshiba i dont think dells are that great are home computer is a dell and it is not a very good computer.
http://www.toshibadirect.com/td/b2c/laptops.to#125020141342 heres toshiba laptops like mine
i have an HP and it's pretty nice. it's shiny black and has 3 gig ram and lots of memory. i think we paid under $600 for it. WalMart has it now or one like it for about $500. HP runs a little faster than the Dell, I think. it depends on what you want to use it for.
I also like this one.. It's a big bigger, but it's got a decent sized screen, not too costly, and you can have different patterns. The 17" screen has cooler patterns though: