Any recommendations for laptops :P?

I am hoping that my parents will eventually give in and get me a laptop since it's the only thing I want.


Do you have any recommendations on Pink Dell laptops?
Links will help out a lot (:


*I figured a lot of teens have their own laptop, that's why the question is here*


I like MacBooks and all, but there is no way I am paying that much money for one. I doubt my parents will as well. Aha.


dell laptops suck. Get a hp they are really good computers. I dont know if you can customize it with pink but you can but designs and stuff on it. Plus they are cheaper.;HHOJSID=ZwN0KGTGj1BJxQBrDDv6CtbT15l6pY3Mw80yLPKnKM1Vj8LzTGTs!-1819844527?storeName=computer_store&landing=notebooks&a1=Category&v1=Everyday%20computing

EDIT: if you are looking for more then the look i suggest you ask this in computers because people there give really long and helpful answers. I suggest the hp above all. Get a mac if you do a lot of designing and stuff other than that you are just paying tons of money for a brand. I am going to get a new desktop and mini notebook because then i can use the desktop while i am at home but when i am at school or the library i can use the mini one.
check those out


Well I'm 13 . I bought my own , and it works awesomely . It's a Widescreen HP Pavillion dv6000 . It's from Wal-Mart , too , and was $650 when I bought it , but about a weeks later went up to $800 , I'm not sure if it's still there or that expensive .


well i have a toshiba and i love it but i would much rather have a apple they are amazing but much more expensive so if you want a laptop i would that is less expensive and still very good is a toshiba i dont think dells are that great are home computer is a dell and it is not a very good computer.
heres toshiba laptops like mine


i have an HP and it's pretty nice. it's shiny black and has 3 gig ram and lots of memory. i think we paid under $600 for it. WalMart has it now or one like it for about $500. HP runs a little faster than the Dell, I think. it depends on what you want to use it for.


This first model is small, durable, and perfect for your backpack because it's not too clunky and heavy, so it won't give you back problems :

I also like this one.. It's a big bigger, but it's got a decent sized screen, not too costly, and you can have different patterns. The 17" screen has cooler patterns though:

Good luck!

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