What is your opinion about Gay Bashing?
True or False: Is Gay Bashing doesn't prove how much a man or woman a person is, but shows how insecure that person is with their own sexuality?
True or False: Is Gay Bashing doesn't prove how much a man or woman a person is, but shows how insecure that person is with their own sexuality?
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I live in a blue state so I've never had to deal with it.
I totally agree with your statement: TRUE! Beyond a doubt.
Fanny Blood
I would say that there is a lot of truth in that. I work for an LGBT helpline and I have spoken to many many people about various forms of homophobia including 'gay bashing'.
We also sometimes get people who want to talk to us about how much they hate being gay, how they can change, or how they think that gay people are all degenerate reprobates!
I do believe that a lot of people are insecure about their sexuality, and though things are getting better there are still things like some religions and some cultures that make it very hard for people to be true to their sexual orientation and feel really good about themselves.
True but kind of false. A lot of people really believe it is condemned in the bible, although it actually isn't if you actually look at the bible historically. What was condemned was homosexual rape and prostitution. Back then the only homosexuals there really were, were the rapists and the prostitutes. It wasn't really a sexual orientation. (Well, it always was but no one was out really)
True. They wouldn't have to beat up someone for their orientation if they were truly secure in their sexuality.
I would say true for many...others have been conditioned to fear gays for any number of reasons...either way, the root cause is fear.