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Because for many people, god is an excuse to behave badly.
Personally, I feel much safer with a functioning legal system--no matter its limits and failures--than simply praying to or expecting some god to protect me and my family from the local murders, rapists, pedophiles, etc.
As for personal vengeance: That's pretty stupid. Especially if you happen to go after the wrong person. That makes you the perpetrator and, according to your personal ethos, grants that person the right of vengeance against you.
That is just human nature and exactly what that quote was meant to fight.
Try to keep in mind that back then God represented the State of Israel to the Hebrews.
Jehovah,Lord, Yahweh, God represented the state to them in the same way the Crown (Queen) represents England to the English mind or the Constitution represents the USA to American minds.
If you were saying that today you would say, "It is up to the courts to deliver justice." instead of saying God and advise against taking the law into your own hands.
Jesus said that He was the truth, the life and the way, that no man comes to the Father except by Him. Many have ignored Him.
To answer your question, people take matters into their own hands for the same reason; they ignore what God has said in His word.
Because vengeance is the Lord. and sometimes victims don't agree with the authorities