How can I determine the specifications on my 1999 Ford Taurus for CARS qualifications?

With the cutoff at 18 MPG on the website, my car is very close to qualifying/not qualifying, depending on whether it's a 6-cylinder 2V or 4V, neither of which qualify (one is 20mpg and the other is 19mpg). There is also a listing as a Taurus SHO, but I have no idea which one of these my car is. Is there more info on the title?


Thanks for the answers, but Kenny, you are incorrect. The figures on the website range from 18 to 20 mpg for the various models of the 1999 Ford Taurus — none of them are listed at 24 mpg. Regardless, it's a bummer to be so close and still not qualify for the $4,500. In hindsight, I should have just driven a gas hog at 80mph with no regard for anyone else, instead of driving at 55 or 65 mph (depending on the speed limit) to try and conserve gas. Even at $4.00 a gallon, all the other cars on the road were just flying by me.

Good lord, I hate it when wasteful people are rewarded for their bad behavior...


And yes, you are wrong. The official listing is at, NOT Vehix. So think a little before you engage that rusty little brain of yours.

Try paying attention to the question being asked.


Favorite Answer

The SHO is the high output, sport model, and will have the SHO letters on it.

If it is not badged as an SHO, it is not one


Your car will not qualify because it gets over 18 mpg. Your city rating is 20 mpg, but the highway rating is 28. In order to qualify, your car has to get under 18mpg combined between city and highway. Your car averages 24 mpg so it does not qualify.

I am not wrong on the fuel economy rating of your car. Want proof... click on the link

What do I know. I just run a collision center. gets it's information from the auto manufacturers. If Ford says your car gets 20 mpg city and 28 highway, that is what Vehix will post. I find it interesting that someone who knows nothing about cars is all of a sudden an expert. Either way I am right... YOUR CAR DOES NOT QUALIFY!!!