Do you have a very good imagination? If so, please finish this sentence. I was walking the dog when OMG,I saw?


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I was walking the dog when OMG,I saw my reflection in a shop window and realised there was NO dog at the end of the lead.


I was walking the dog when OMG, I saw a big pink pillow laying on the ground with a dirt mark, scaring eh?


I was walking the dog when OMG, I saw a man in black cloak, he was carrying a scythe and was on the other side of the street; he seemed to be staring at me.


Chuck Norris. Kicking the **** out Batman. It was an incredible fight. But I wasn't sure I could stay much longer and survive to tell the tale. I then proceded to walk away from this inthrilling scene. And out of nowhere the Jonas brothers showed up and I killed them all with my machete. :)


superman flying over the sky, then he hit a tree fell on a cat, he made a lot of noise so the neighbors came outside yelling at superman kicking him out, superman got up and froze all the neighbors being annoying helped the cat got up and flew away.

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