Is this a widespread Madden 10 glitch? (PS3)?

I'm still high on Madden 10. A few of the usual problems still exist, but for the most part, I've enjoyed this year's game better than most years.
But I think I've found yet another glitch. I'm just wondering if it is widespread or if I'm just having bad luck.
In Superstar mode, I can't advance past week 6. Once I play that game and exit back to the menu, it freezes on the loading screen. It has happened several times now and I can't advance to week 7. Has anyone experienced something similar?


Favorite Answer

lol taking back the game isn't gonna do anything.Its EA and its Madden and there will always be glitches until they come out with a patch or learn to fix their mistakes before shipping out the games.


its a glitch take it back and get a new one