who thinks liability insurance laws unfair?

Most states require at least Liability insurance on every car you drive. why is that ? when in fact it don't cover the vehicle your diving . it only protects you from fault if your the cause of a accident. what difference does it matter. if your driving a hummer or a honda because it is not paying for the damage to your car/truck. I believe liability insurance should cover the person in any car /truck the drive and no have to be taken out on every vehicle they own. As it has no bearing on a accident what your driving .It don''t make it a higher claim if your in your hummer or your honda. when it is filed against your liability insurance. a person should only have to have personal liability insurance and that should cover them in any vehicle they drive . Am i wrong to think this?????


i am all in favor of having insurance and some one be infault of accidents . just think when you have liability insurance you sould have to pay one price and it covers you in what every you drive. not $50 a month for car 1 , 25 more a month for car 2 and 25 more a month for car 3. . why no just pay 70 a month and it cover you in any auto you own with liability coverage. why does it matter what car your driving if you have a accident. how may people are going to have a accident in more than on car in a year. just put a clause in that it will cover you in any and as many cars you drive with a total amout of x amount of coverage even if mulitble claims.


Favorite Answer

Ever been hit by an uninsured driver?


Yes you are wrong in thinking that. Liability protects you from being sued so that if you cause damage your insurance company pays for it. If you want your car protected you have to pay for seperate coverage on Collision and Comprehensive. Each vehicle needs its own coverage. The risk of you driving a Hummer is not the same as the risk of you driving a Civic. You are more lilkely to take more risks driving the Hummer.This is basic Insurance.


The cost of insurance is based on risk. If you are a safe driver, the cost of your insurance is reduced because there is less likelihood of you being at fault in an accident and your insurance having to pay for a loss that you caused. A driver that causes frequent accidents is put in a high risk category and pays far more for insurance based on the added risk of his carelessness.

If everyone paid insurance to cover only themselves and their property, a careful driver's insurance cost would be based on protecting themselves from careless drivers and their insurance payments would be higher based on this risk. This would, over time promote carelessness. Why be a careful driver if there is no monetary benefit from practicing safe driving?


It sounds like your in favor of "no fault" insurance. Some states have it. I would rather find someone at fault for an accident.