Quote Placement Ideas?

Hello all!

I am thinking about getting the quote "through music we can live forever" tattooed onto my bawdy. Problem is that I don't know WHERE to put it.

Any ideas on location and font would be awesome.

Also, I have this already: http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs052.snc1/4473_194619080423_592655423_6705333_3335749_n.jpg possibly in between the gap or around? not sure, use your braainnnnnns


Thank you good_vibrations (I assume that's your name)...i spent WAY too much on it, but i think it turned out really well

Also, the quote doesn't have to be incorporated in the current tattoo....I'm just giving the link for reference, I guess


Favorite Answer

Yeah it would be cool in the gap area, that tattoo is awesome, by the way.

Or maybe on your forearm? That could be cool. Or across the top of your back? Hmm I'll keep thinking and let you know if I think of anything else! Good luck!


i would say get it on the insoles of you're feet, but i think ur a guy so that might be kinda weird...
if you wanna incorporate the pre-existing tattoo it might be cool to put the quote in like, a ribbon-like banner in the middle of the guitars. worse comes to worse, go to the shop u wanna get the tattoo at and ask where they think would be a good idea!

as for font, there are tons of sites out there (fonts.com, urbanfonts.com, etc) where u can look up styles and whatnot.

good luck!

s. strummer2009-08-16T23:31:00Z

in between the guitars and whoa that tattoo looks rly good.
or across your back? the font should be in handwriting or a nice script .