How come with all of the shipwrecks that are in the Mediterranian Sea , they are just starting to investigate?


I'm talking old shipwrecks. They are the
explorers of the seas and have been
trying to bring up old ships per the
documentaries that have been in the
news and on tv. The scientists are finding all kinds of old shipwrecks in the
sea. Why weren't they found until now ?

Naz F2009-08-17T20:13:45Z

Favorite Answer

Often, the shipwrecks are so overgrown with sea-life that it's difficult to tell whether it's actually a ship, or a natural formation.

Tim D2009-08-18T07:08:39Z

The Mediterranean is approximately 1,000,000 square miles, a Greek trireme is estimated at around 40 yards long and 6 yards wide. Made of softwood there is very little of the actual ships left except for the metal fittings.


Your premise is invalid. The Mediterranean is one of the most heavily investigated and surveyed bodies of water in the world. But many of these wrecks are in much deeper water than someplace like the Caribbean, and the level of technology is only now allowing for close exploration of those depths.

Howard H2009-08-18T03:12:01Z

Wrecks in the Mediterranean have been explored for centuries.


Ahhh, the ubiquitous they. Who are they? Are we they? Are they we? Could we be we and they be they? They say, who says? Who says they say?