Question for liberals and conservatives.?
Liberals; tell me why you think Obama is doing a good job.
Conservatives; tell me why you think Obama is doing a bad job.
Easy ten points to whoever can make the best case to support their views
Liberals; tell me why you think Obama is doing a good job.
Conservatives; tell me why you think Obama is doing a bad job.
Easy ten points to whoever can make the best case to support their views
The Patriot
Favorite Answer
Healthcare. Obama wants to change a system that is failing the USA, conservatives want to keep it and spread lies about the reforms to do so.
FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should
FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet
FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare
FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage
FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change
FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing the American people
FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Taiwan