I wonder what creationists think of the fact that building blocks of life are in comets?


I'm guessing this won't change your mind, but doesn't it plant a seed of doubt that life could have started on earth without a divine fiat?

RED MIST!2009-08-18T05:38:21Z

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The thing to take from this is that those building blocks can form without intervention. They can do it on earth, and elsewhere. They aren't Placed in comets.


It takes so plenty greater beneficial than amino acid to make a residing, respiration individual. If that's what you think of, you're puzzled. i'm fearfully and splendidly made and that i did no longer come by making use of random hazard of evolution. there's a God in heaven who created me and each little thing else. He created that comet and that comet path that contained that amino acid. The earth is promptly working down and tens of millions and billions of years do no longer greater healthful the cycle.


Sir Francis Crick's theory of that was called panespermia.

You're question reminds me of the Film "Life Force". When they found perfect humans on a comet. The comet was moving so fast it was able to be landed upon.

Joel S2009-08-18T05:34:05Z

Is there really anything to think? There has simply been an amino acid discovered in a comet.

However, I have to wonder how the hell an amino acid got into a comet lol?



Not in the slightest, the point isn't life on Earth, it's life itself.
I'm quite happy to accept the seeds of life are everywhere in the universe but they were put there by God.

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