I just jumped of the burning bridge and i am in the lake. i need to get to the 3rd spirit spring to get the vessel of light. I am the wolf. How do i get there? What do i do????????
there all good answers, but rock lee's answer was the best. THANKS!!!!!!!!
first you go on the land near you activate the wolf's senses talk to the guy in the pink shirt. then you go fight the monster play the the weird mini-game and go to the top of the Zora's domain and use the fire rock thing on the ice. and thats how you get to the light spirit. :) kai
that's my favorite game. but first ther should be that one dark creature thats standing around the dried up lake, once you get close to him, he will call his bird. that should help you, the spirit spring is that big building with the cobras on the side, or whatever they are