What should I expect in (gasp! I know) Sixth Grade?
Hey peeps, Just wondering, what should I expect in grade 6? I don't mean clothing, or makeup, just homework wise...before you mention it, I am not going to a middle school, I'm still in elementary. What kind of things will we be working on? I know we start pre-algerbra, but what else? Thanks for if you answer. 10 to best!
We get to go to Hershey Park and Capitol for our field trip!
Favorite Answer
Every school and every teacher is different. But 6th grade shouldn't be too much different from 5th.
In my school 6th grade was when you start band. That was so much fun! It was hard work, but also very laid back compared to some of the other classes. We got to play the last 10 minutes or so of class. And I added clarinet practice to my homework time. But the other subjects didn't really take longer.
Also, classes like art and science can get more challenging in a fun way as you enter higher grades. 6th grade was when we got to start using Bunsen burners (fire) and causing chemical and physical changes. There was a lot more memorization (names of bones, periodic table, etc...). I dreaded that part but it wasn't as hard as I was afraid it would be.
Basically you just get to learn more things and aren't babied as much. ... At least that's how my school went.
Hi, little kid! I'm going into grade 6 THIS year! And I'm nervous about waking up at 6 and stuff. You are so lucky you get those field trips!! We can't even play sports in 6th grade here! I read the book American Girl's guide to starting Middle School. It was very good, actually. Good Luck this year and don't worry, (I'm also reassuring myself) Middle School is a natural thing. Everyone gets used to it.
6 grade is not too hard. when i was in Florida, it was still elementary but we got A LOT of homework. but the homework wasn't really that hard. When i was in Colorado it was Middle School and we didn't get any homework!!!! It was easy. In North Carolina it was middle school too, but we just got some homework. It really wasn't that hard. So anyways good luck!!!! I had a lot of drama in Florida but o well. Its just because me and my frannns where popular and the boys just gave us so much problems!!! So just have fun!!!! : )
It's 6th grade...how is it going to be any different thant 5th grade. You're still in elementary school, it will be the same. I'm a bit disturbed you mentioned "make-up"...surely 6th graders don't wear make-up these days? My word, we were still very much children. But okay, have fun.
Its all the same but they expect more. 3/4ths of is just a recap of 5th grade. I had close to no homework in 6th grade. But I was in a actal middle school though.