Why is Obama outright threatening insurance companies now?

The Government needs to keep itself out of private industry. It has no business starting down this road. Once they start, where are they going to draw the line. If we don't like our carrier, all we have to do is change to a knew carrier.


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The goal is govt control over industry. They are controlling many banks, car makers, and now they need mediicine. The govrt is making the insurance companies villians. It is the same as race bating but this time blaming a company. They did the same thing with banks.


Because the insurance carriers have absolutely no concern for anyone or anything except how they can make greater and greater profits at the expense of others and, it is getting worse.

People have nightmarish experiences with insurance companies leading to continued illness, pain, and financial hardship, not to mention the ones who don't have coverage.

I have a friend who didn't like his coverage obtained through his company. Finally, the insurance company dropped everybody. So my friend selected a new carrier and paid for it individually. For his family, the cheapest rate he could find was $1500 per month. How many people do you think can afford that? BTW- He has a $1000 deductible for each member.

The insurance companies are currently spending over 1.4 million dollars EVERY DAY on lobbyists. (Washington Post).

Can you wonder where they got all that money. Hint: It wasn't paying claims.


How well would your "knew" carrier work? Typical Repube, illiterate (That means you cannot read good (was the grammar broken enough for you to understand?)).

The reason he is attacking the insurance companies is because over 10% of this country is not insured, typically because they cannot afford it. So, switching health care providers doesn't work when you don't have one to begin with. You following along yet?


This is so funny. For years people have complained about HMO's and Insurance companies for being so expensive and limiting their choices, cutting back their coverage and raising their co pay. Now, all of a sudden, Repub's are in love with these poorly managed, down right evil corporations ! You guys are hilarious !

Bethany J2009-08-19T15:16:57Z

Because Obama didn't get his Obama Care passed as planned. He is in the process of demonizing insurance companies. I would certainly rather deal with an insurance company that some low level government official that

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