How do you block a specific user?

I have no idea how to do it and I would like to block a person who has emailed me countless of times being rude.

Toilet Paper Guy2009-08-19T18:36:02Z

Favorite Answer

I am assuming that you are asking about how to block a user here on Yahoo! Answers so that they can't send you email using Yahoo! Answers internal email system.

Hover your mouse pointer over the persons avatar that you wish to block.A small window will appear.Click on the small blue link that says "Block User".Click on "OK" when the 2nd window appears.

When you block them,if they click on your avatar and go to your profile page,the link that says "Email Dalton's Mommy & #2 due 2/11" will appear Grey to them,not blue,and it will say..."User does not allow email"This is what they alone will see.There will be no active link for them to click on.To me and other members,your email link will appear in blue and is active, so we can email you if we wish.

Also,if they try to add you as a contact,they will get a message saying..."You cannot add this person to your Contacts at this time."They won't be able to connect to you unless you remove the block on them.They also will not be able to view your questions and answers from the past and will not be able to answer any questions that you ask from the time you blocked them.


If you use yahoo mail and want to block someone's emails, click on the options link on the upper right corner. Select mail options. Then click on spam on the left navigation panel. You can add in a blocked email address.


Right click on one of the emails, and select copy. Then go to this page click on Email the Team, a blank email will open. Explain the situation then right click and select Paste. A copy of the abusive email will be pasted to the email. Y/A will take appropriate action agents the individual.

Missy M2009-08-19T18:13:19Z

Click on "SPAM"
Also, go to General Preferences and add to BLOCK LIST