if the cons are astroturfing....?

why do socialists advertise on craigslist to pay people to attend meetings?



and where are the ads for the right wing?
ins. co's?
tea party?

seems socialists are looking for "useful idiots"


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What the first guy said. But I'll add that I do not think the cons are astroturfing to any great degree. The kind of crazy I've seen at townhalls is genuine and can't be faked by some apathetic paid protester.


Astroturfing is 100% a libtard lefty invention and is a great example of how badly campaign reform is needed
Also, these astroturfers are contributing to the decline of the economy as well as funding terrorism :
"A ) Astroturfing plain and simple IS illegal in fact the current penalty fine for Astroturfing is about $13,000 US Dollars fine per post , astroturfing often goes hand in hand with infringement and piracy yet Astroturfers are seldomly caught much less prosecuted and fined.

B ) In some cases it clearly violates antitrust and antimonopoly laws including but not limited to The Sherman Act amongst other laws.

C) Astroturfing techniques can be used and often are used to fund terrorism and or recruiting by such organizations,thus being a rather serious threat to national security. – See more at: http://www.free-press-release.com/news-corporate-astroturfing-1429298268.html#sthash.FV9tgiAm.dpuf"


Er, no, but the mostly left liberal Obama loving MSM, the Obamessiah’s Democrats & ACORN pals, SIEU union thugs & Organise America Saul Alinsky drones ARE. This is what the Marxist product sodden control freak lying phony's of left liberalism DO. They're all for a "diversity" of THEIR opinion ONLY. Obama is a fraud and is naturally crashing and burning. As the joker said "why so socialist?" Because there is NO LOGICAL END to the lefts lust for power, money and control over YOU and I and gee, everything.

ÂŅŦĬ ĂĈǾŖŇ2009-08-19T20:40:42Z

Axelrod invented astroturf.
Pelosi is delusional.
Only thing is, libs don't see it, or refuse to.


How dare you come on here with actual proof of liberal hypocrisy!! Get ready to be attacked.

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