Why don't women's clothes have any pockets?

The only kinds of women's clothes I wear anymore are blue jeans, because they almost all have decent-sized pockets. I would like to wear slacks and other styles, but I feel lost and vulnerable without pockets. When I was in college, I wore men's blue jeans just so I could have pockets.


I can't find clothes with pockets! That's the point of the question. Did they stop making them while I was away?


I don't wish to carry a purse out in the yard with me when I rake, or while washing the car, or cleaning the pool. For these activities, I need pockets for my essentials. Every women does, but most just don't realize it.


All of these answers are simplistic and pointless. Rather than delete the question, I am going to put it to a pubic vote...


Favorite Answer

all the clothes i wear have pockets....just buy clothes with pockets.


Because women keep their stuff into a "handy bag", unlike men who prefer to stick everything into their posterior pockets.


You have pocketbooks silly!