Ardnaid Janus: Foosball Empress
Favorite Answer
Octomom deserved a swift kick in the @ss. She knew what she was going through. She was irresponsible.
That's tough. I HATE Jon and Kate but Octomom is called "Octomom" ferchissake! Like she's a supervillian.
Kim P
Kate Gosselin ~ Where does the line start?
I feel pity toward Octomom. She just made a really stupid move.
OCTO mom here. I think she needs to have these kids taken away so they will have a mother who has brains. She should also be fixed so she can NEVER have anymore kids. Please don't get me wrong here either. BUT why are you bring SO many kids into this world (ON PURPOSE) when you canNOT afford to raise them. She has NO job and there is NO father who can support them. So WHY should WE (TAXpayers) support her and these kids that she planned on having.