Are social media tools a blessing or a curse for people of faith? Should we use digital technology to commune with the divine?
Derek: In addition, you can 'tweet' prayers requests to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. You can pray the rosary or pray the hours from your laptop. You can participate in worship services and discuss holy texts via Facebook.
I am Sunshine2009-08-22T23:10:47Z
Favorite Answer
I am soooooo not a full-fledged member of the technology age. I thought you were talking about the sound a bird makes!
Okay. Hmmmmmm.....Does God tweet? I would say that God tweets,texts,emails,IM's,blogs,chats, writes letters and knocks on our doors.......God will do anything He can to gain our attention. He loves each of us and wants to be our guiding force. Prayer can not be trivialized.....Personally, it is my lifeline.
Tweeting enables and encourages prayer for many in this new day and age. God works in mysterious ways and so does the internet. Concidental? I think not. God uses what he can to communicate.
from JC Superstar "I'f you'd come today you would have lead a whole nation, Israel in 4BC had no mass communication" Now it the whole world can tune in and turn on to God. It's all good.
If you need some tweeting you better be following Prophet Muhammed,PEACE BE UPON HIM, and not some Christian preacher in a sissy robe who preaches stolen sermons. Shame on you, especially during our Ramadan.