my internet keeps coming up 'internet needs to close'?

it says dr watson on it as well, i have searched for this on the computer but it will not open, it is not on the add/remove programme, i think this programme is the cause of it, any ideas of how to get rid of it Please........

hero no .12009-08-23T03:13:08Z

Favorite Answer

I think u have got a malware or spyware kinda thing ,
First of all always use a powerful antivirus , i would recommend avast
antivirus , from , jsut take a look at what they provide and if u r interested go for it , its free and really good .
For now , if u r able to go on he net then go to , its safe
and download malwarebytes and superantispyware , both are free and good applications and can get rid of the spyware kinda thing .

Good Luck .