Do Chavez and Obama use the same play book?

Chavez is using force to shut down anyone who dares to speak out against him or stand in his way. He is now threatening to close down or take over private schools that will not teach exactly what he wants. We need to pay careful attention to what is occurring because he and Obama govern in almost the same manner and Obama is nudging us down that road.



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No, and you answered your own question. Chavez is using force. Obama was democratically elected, and there wasn't anybody holding a gun to my head in the voting booth. Two very different approaches.

And he isn't "closing down schools." If a public school isn't meeting accreditation standards, they are always reviewed, but that isn't some political takeover, it's due to poorly managed schools. I don't want my child going to a subpar school, I don't want to pay for one with my taxes, and I don't know why anyone else would.


I gave a thumbs down to thekitty and Jacob and I meant to give them a thumbs sorry about that...
Chavez thinks that Obama is more liberal than he is...people wanted 'change' and they are going to get it. Star Struck barak fans will soon find out just what his Czars are doing and how much power they really have.


Obama Deception


Uh oh, someone's going on the fishy list!

Only kidding. It's good to see there's still people out there who think for themselves, who are willing to bleed on the flag to make sure the stripes stay red.

keep on.


As written by Karl Marx.

Sunshine, were you in Chicago when the Black Panther's were "Protecting" the polling places???

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