Dog section: some fun questions?

I'm always curious about these things, if you have more than one dog you can talk about all of them, or pick just one. I've asked some of these questions before, but some are new, I like to hear from different people. It's easier for my to read your answers if you copy down the number of the question or if you copy and paste the whole question.

1. How many dogs do you have?

2. How many dogs have you had?

3. What breeds are they/have they been?

4. Where did you get your dog? (breeder/shelter/rescue)

5. If you got a pure bred dog, why did you choose that breed?
If you got a shelter dog, why did you pick that dog from the others?

6. How much did your dog cost?

7. What color(s) is/are your dog(s)?

8. Do you have any other animals?

9. Whats your favorite breed that you've never owned?

10. What breed would you not want to own?

11. When are you going to get another dog (if you know)?

12. What is the most expensive thing your dog (and which dog) has destroyed?

13. How much training do you do with your dogs? (mine are housebroken and can sit, and sometimes lay down)

14. What's your dog's favorite activity? (mine seem to like sleeping)

15. What do you feed your dogs?

and finally

16. What is your dog's favorite treat or snack? (this can also be a toy or some other form of reward)

***Please don't give any TD, these are other people's opinions, so they can't be wrong about them so TD are not necessary***

Thank you

Indi Whippet2009-08-24T01:23:48Z

Favorite Answer

1. How many dogs do you have? 1

2. How many dogs have you had? 7

3. What breeds are they/have they been? Lurcher, Patterdale terrier, Lurcher, JRT, Lurcher, lurcher, GSD X Husky, Lurcher (as you can tell i like lurchers!!)

4. Where did you get your dog? (breeder/shelter/rescue) some bought privetly, some rescue and some rehomed from other people

5. If you got a pure bred dog, why did you choose that breed?
If you got a shelter dog, why did you pick that dog from the others? I saw those big Lurcher eyes staring at me and fell in love!

6. How much did your dog cost? Free to good home

7. What color(s) is/are your dog(s)? Blue Brindle

8. Do you have any other animals? 2 cats

9. Whats your favorite breed that you've never owned? Saluki

10. What breed would you not want to own? Rottweiler

11. When are you going to get another dog (if you know)? When the right dog comes along and it feels right

12. What is the most expensive thing your dog (and which dog) has destroyed? Nothing expensive, mainly my daughters small plastic toys.

13. How much training do you do with your dogs? (mine are housebroken and can sit, and sometimes lay down) Housebroken, sit, wait, lay down, jumps over fences on command, walks to heel off lead, come, speak.

14. What's your dog's favorite activity? (mine seem to like sleeping) palying with a tennis ball and chasing rabbits

15. What do you feed your dogs? Wainwrights dry puppy food

and finally

16. What is your dog's favorite treat or snack? (this can also be a toy or some other form of reward) Tennis ball


1. How many dogs do you have? One.

2. How many dogs have you had? Two.

3. What breeds are they/have they been? First was a Bouvier des Flandres and now I have an Airedale.

4. Where did you get your dog? (breeder/shelter/rescue) Breeder.

5. If you got a pure bred dog, why did you choose that breed?
If you got a shelter dog, why did you pick that dog from the others?
Pure bred; I got the dog because we needed extra protection for our house, since Airedales are superior to your average yapper. We needed a funny, energetic and family dog, so obviously the Airedale is the way to go, plus they don't shed too much.

6. How much did your dog cost? About $1,500.

7. What color(s) is/are your dog(s)? Black/Tan.

8. Do you have any other animals? No.

9. Whats your favorite breed that you've never owned? Airedale.

10. What breed would you not want to own? Any small 'toy dog', a Golden Retriever, Border Collie, Lab, Pitbull (I dislike their appearance. :/)

11. When are you going to get another dog (if you know)? Eh. When ours dies.

12. What is the most expensive thing your dog (and which dog) has destroyed? Our Airedale has not destroyed anything. Yet.

13. How much training do you do with your dogs? (mine are housebroken and can sit, and sometimes lay down) Very little, only on the first few weeks did he learn his sits, stays and give paws.

14. What's your dog's favorite activity? (mine seem to like sleeping) Running.

15. What do you feed your dogs? Human food. (Rice, meat, egg, toast, butter (on toast) french bread, bread, fruits, vegetables. (Sometimes a bit of dry food.

16. What is your dog's favorite treat or snack? (this can also be a toy or some other form of reward) Bones, edible, hide or chicken strip treats.


1. How many dogs do you have? 4

2. How many dogs have you had? Including the ones i have, 11 (most of them are not really mine, i just was keeping them for a friend for a while, and the terrier mix we where fostering)

3. What breeds are they/have they been? God, this will take forever. I have had a terrier mix, a three labs, three German Shepherds, a min pin mix, a Rottweiler lab mix, two golden retriever, a Yorkie, and a beagle

4. Where did you get your dog? (breeder/shelter/rescue) The GSD i am writing about was from a rescue

5. If you got a pure bred dog, why did you choose that breed?
If you got a shelter dog, why did you pick that dog from the others? We got my GSD because he was cute, hyper, and protective. he also really like my other GSD

6. How much did your dog cost? A adoption fee, the regular

7. What color(s) is/are your dog(s)? Red and Tan

8. Do you have any other animals? Nope

9. Whats your favorite breed that you've never owned? Hmmm, probably my GSD or my labs, can never decide.

10. What breed would you not want to own? A beagle. I had had one and they are pains to me!

11. When are you going to get another dog (if you know)? After my older GSD passes. :( sad to think about

12. What is the most expensive thing your dog (and which dog) has destroyed? The GSD i am writing about has never destroyed anything! Buy my old yellow lab destroyed my brother toy dog to pieces!

13. How much training do you do with your dogs? (mine are housebroken and can sit, and sometimes lay down) A lot, they are all pretty smart except for the Yorkie

14. What's your dog's favorite activity? (mine seem to like sleeping) Taking Walks! My GSD loves walks!

15. What do you feed your dogs? We use to feed them Royal Cannin but now we are feeding them a way cheaper brand of generic food recommend by our vet.

and finally

16. What is your dog's favorite treat or snack? (this can also be a toy or some other form of reward) My GSD loves anything food...once he ate a whole pizza we left out on the counter!

Oh, and you forgot to ask what they where named! The one i was writing about is named Rykr, the older GSD is named Sarah, my mutt is named Precious, my Yorkie is named Cujo. Fun thanks for sharing!


1. How many dogs do you have?
Two at the moment.

2. How many dogs have you had?
In the past I've owned five dogs and fostered many more.

3. What breeds are they/have they been?
Norwegian elk hound, golden retrievers and labs

4. Where did you get your dog? (breeder/shelter/rescue)
Breeders and from Canine Companions for Independence (which I trained dogs for). My next dog will be from a rescue.

5. If you got a pure bred dog, why did you choose that breed?
If you got a shelter dog, why did you pick that dog from the others?
I have had pure goldens and labs because I love their temperaments.

6. How much did your dog cost?
All the dogs that I personally own were free because I trained them for Canine Companions for Independence.

7. What color(s) is/are your dog(s)?
Golden and yellow.

8. Do you have any other animals?
I have a fish, a hamster and a cat.

9. Whats your favorite breed that you've never owned?

10. What breed would you not want to own?
I don't have a problem with any breeds but I prefer larger breeds over smaller breeds.

11. When are you going to get another dog (if you know)?
I will get another in a year probably. One of my dogs is dying of lymphoma and I'll have to wait several months after she does give in.

12. What is the most expensive thing your dog (and which dog) has destroyed?
I've been lucky, $45 pair of shoes.

13. How much training do you do with your dogs? (mine are housebroken and can sit, and sometimes lay down)
Mine know over 40 commands and are impeccably obedient. I can't stand badly trained dogs.

14. What's your dog's favorite activity? (mine seem to like sleeping)
Exploring our land.

15. What do you feed your dogs?
Kumpi senior and kumpi adult.

and finally

16. What is your dog's favorite treat or snack? (this can also be a toy or some other form of reward)
Peanut butter in a kong.


1. How many dogs do you have?

Just one. Her name is Emily.

2. How many dogs have you had?

Again, just the one.

3. What breeds are they/have they been?

Cocker Spaniel.

4. Where did you get your dog? (breeder/shelter/rescue)

I think we got her from a breeder...

5. If you got a pure bred dog, why did you choose that breed?
If you got a shelter dog, why did you pick that dog from the others?

My parents picked her out as a surprise. I was 5 at the time.

6. How much did your dog cost?

I have no idea.

7. What color(s) is/are your dog(s)?

She's black with brown paws and eyebrows, and a white patch on her chest.

8. Do you have any other animals?

I have 2 cats. (Emily lives with my grandparents now.)

9. Whats your favorite breed that you've never owned?

German Shepherd. I want one so bad!

10. What breed would you not want to own?

Umm... I don't like little dogs, really. Too yappy and excitable. And they bite a lot.

11. When are you going to get another dog (if you know)?

When I have my own house. Or if we move somewhere we can have one.

12. What is the most expensive thing your dog (and which dog) has destroyed?

My mom's leather jacket.

13. How much training do you do with your dogs? (mine are housebroken and can sit, and sometimes lay down)

Housebroken, sit, lay down, speak, she comes when you call her, and if you feed her say 'easy' so she doesn't nip your fingers.

14. What's your dog's favorite activity? (mine seem to like sleeping)

Sleeping and begging for food.

15. What do you feed your dogs?

I think she's on one of those Iams diet things. She's a fat dog.

16. What is your dog's favorite treat or snack? (this can also be a toy or some other form of reward)

She loves 'people food' so I always sneak her a couple bites. Milk bones. And watch out if there's a can of beer on the floor cause she'll drink it all.

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