What does a manager do for someone new in the business...other that get the initial meetings with agents? There is a manager that wants to sign my dd and says that she is very marketable (which she has gotten every part that she has auditioned for...mostly non-paid) and then take 15% of her earnings for the next 3 years. Do we need a manager or should I just submit to different agents and see if I can get one on my own?
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managers find you interviews just like agents. the big difference is they don't usually have as big a client list as agents do, so they can spend more time promoting you. you will still need an agent. agents handle contract negotiations for you,managers don't do negotiations when you get a job. three years is a bit long for a contract. you don't need a manager but you need an agent.
Three years is a long time and I would ask that the manager do a standard one year contract.
The year is called a trying out period. It's great that you have done a lot of non paid gigs as this i incredible experience. The Networking value alone.
Managers manage the daily routine of your business for 15 % of you bookings. If you arent making any money then you have to ask yourself what would the manager be managing. Will they get you seen and meet and greet the right people?
Anyone can call themselves managers as they are not governed. What you need is agent or agents. You've got the exp, it's time to get paid.
It's your business, you are CEO and as such you hire the manager and you have many agents, you know every CD and you book. If you arent making any money there's no point in hiring anyone. You are a compan of one right now.
Ask yourself this..... how many great managers...manage new talent.... unless the new talent just booked the latest blockbuster making millions the great ones don't advertise. They find you!!
Too soon to have a manager unless you can freelance or better yet change the contract to suit you and make the manager have to actually work. Give them 6 months to find you the agent or a project
They take 15% or their clients income and they help them get meetings but yes you need to say with the person you could go free lance but it would be much harder to get audition