What is Senator Edward Kennedy's Greatest Legacy?

He wrote more than 2500 Bills in the Senate.

I think his greatest piece of Legislation was the 1964 Civil Rights Act, because that changed the Country forever. It changed the Democratic Party forever.


Favorite Answer

Either the scotch martini or how to escape prosecution for murder.


that's too early to tell. a lot of human beings in W.Va. might supply that honor to Robert Byrd. i'm prepared on Daniel Moynihan for his upright habit to boot as his effective paintings interior the Senate and the U.N. Mary Jo Kopechne's kin might disagree.


It's a toss-up between the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 and Medicare. Both have contributed to the destruction of America. The Immigration Reform Act of 1965 goes a long way towards contributing to America becoming a third-world country (not a foregone conclusion but it isn't looking good). Medicare goes a long way towards bankrupting America.


Ted Kennedy had absolutely nothing to do with the Civil Rights Act except to vote for it.

Michael Vick's sentence is analogous to life compared to what Kennedy got.

Jeff77042 -
By what you've said you've got no idea what the Immigration Reform Act and Medicare is all about and who sponsored them.


Ohhh yes the Civil Rights ACT that Democrats now "claim" as their own. while a majority of Democrats at the time vehemently opposed it. Including Al Gores father among others.

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