YAHOO! MAIL start: 0000-00-00 end: 0000-00-00?

I now suddenly have this tag line arriving within the email body for yahoo recipients...

start: 0000-00-00 end: 0000-00-00

I do not have this as a signature line, nor do I see this when sending the mail....
When I receive a reply, not only do I see the original tag line, but I see one additional, identical tag-line AGAIN... how do I fix this?


Favorite Answer

Checking in my sent e-mails box start 0000-00-00 end 0000-00-00 doesn't appear. But it does appear on the returning e-mails. While that lengthy letter addressed many problems it didn't address this one at all. As common as this seems to be one would assume yahoo would have an answer by now but I've failed to find one.
Good Luck All


I even have this start up: 0000-00-00 end: 0000-00-00 on the backside of emails I deliver. i presumed it relatively is an outbreak. Please enable me comprehend if somebody has the answer to what it relatively is. thank you

Valeria S2009-08-27T16:43:49Z

I have the same problem! On all of my yahoo accounts. It drives me nuts! I feel like i'm being watched :))))

Hopefully they will fix it soon, because Delete browser history didn't help :(

P.S. Thank you for asking this question

Ed Atun2009-08-27T08:50:07Z

Yahoo and Microsoft are merging their Search Engines. Yahoo is finishing up its new Home Page. The result has been turmoil for many Yahoo users. Approximately 10% of users are experiencing severe disruptions. Here are the main problems being reported:
*The Mail or Messenger button exists but clicking on it does nothing. .......*Clicking on the Mail or Messenger button produces a blank screen.
*The SEND , REPLY, and FORWARD buttons are not working.
*Attachments (including photos) are not working. .... .*Error Messages are appearing. Error 999, Error 15, Error 8, Error 502. A good Error message explains what is happening. These messages only confuse you more. Don't bother to reply to them. You get an auto-generated reply saying you have a problem with your Server. You don't have a problem with your Server.
*A warning tells you that your ID and password are "invalid". That is causing many users to panic. THey think their account has been hacked; or that they have a virus. They have not been hacked. No virus, either. ..... *You are asked for your "Security Question". When you correctly enter it, you are asked for it again. And again.
*Fonts are shrunk so small that you need a microscope to read your email. Users think they have accidently hit a button that caused the change. They didn't. ..... .*Fonts turn giant. The words continue off the screen.
*Verified emails are not arriving. Friends have called to notify you that the email was sent. It does not appear. ...... .*Friends are not receiving email from your account.
*You receive an alert that you have a new email. But the inbox is empty. ..... *The wrong name is appearing in the TO and/or FROM lines of your emails. This also causes panic about "hackers".
*Emails are disappearing after they are READ or SENT. .*Mail Search is not working.
*You send out an email and get a "Mailer Daemon" or "Delivery Failure Notification". But you don't know why. ..... .*Mail and Messenger won't work on your PDA.
*Warning messages that you are logged-in on another "device" but you don't own another device. You are only logged-in once. ....... . *The date/time stamp is wrong.
*Your browser crashes when Mail or Messenger is used. ..... .*Some accounts were "deactivated" by mistake. Yahoo apologized later, but it caused panic when users received notice that their entire account had been closed. With no warning.
*Users of premium services were told that their credit or debit card had expired and their accounts would be closed. The cards were not expired and it caused a lot of panic. ........*Some users had their entire Address List disappear.
*Entire folders of email were emptied with no warning. One day they were full. Next day they were empty. .*Messenger users are told "Your time has run out" with no warning.
*There are endless "loading"messages whenever you hit an on-screen button. .......*Websites like Craigslist tell you "You can not click on this link because your email account is not active". But you do have an active account.
*Some users can not "cut and paste". ......*Some users are asked for their cell phone number to access their account. Over and over.
*Messenger users can not add their friends to IM. ..... .*Messenger tells you that you are "offline" when you know that you are "online".
*You are asked to log-in daily, even tho you checked "Every 2 Weeks". ..... .*On YM or Chat the other person does not receive your messages.
*On Chat and YM, it says you are offline even when you are available. ......*in Mail, you are asked to "Save as Draft" every email before sending. *Webcams won't work.
*in Mail, little red highlites move around the page as you type. When you hit Enter, the cursor goes to one of the red highlites. ......*In YM and Mail, your name appears as "False". ...... *The YM cursor jumps back and forth while you try to type.
*You are told that your firewall is causing problems. It isn't. ........ .*You are told that your zip code is not in the USA. It is.
*Your Address List won't work. ....... .*You can not open your folders.
*You get the message "You have exceeded your daily limit of emails" even tho you only sent 2 emails. ..... . *Your YM account gets "Locked" with no warning.
These same problems happened in July and November, 2008. Each time the problems lasted 4 weeks. No user had the same problems for the entire 4 weeks. THe problems rotated around. Each day was an adventure. One day was fine; next day nothing worked. The vast majority of users had no problems. They couldn't understand what the fuss was about.
This is a bad time to download or install any Yahoo programs. They are installing 99% , then freezing. Or they install 100% but won't open. Be hesitant to download until Yahoo is done with the work.
The Yahoo Help Desk is swamped. Currently they say "Our engineers are aware of the problem. They are working on it."
This will all be fixed.


Clearing the History in Browser actually worked for me.

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