What's Worse: Knuckle Hairs -or- Toes Hairs?

On a man -or- On a woman -or- On both?



Reba GG2009-08-28T08:03:55Z

Favorite Answer

Knuckle hair as you can't go around wearing gloves all the time but you can successfully hide your feet.

worse on a woman
could be consider virile on a man if one is into that primitive male look

Krys φ2009-08-27T19:28:57Z

Knuckle hairs on a woman. That's just nasty, at least on the toes you can wear shoes to cover it. My question is, why isn't this lady shaving her toes/knuckles if they are hairy?


On a girl , both are just disgusting . Knuckle hairs on guys for me are okay... but toe hair is just ... ** shudders**

Cookie Monster2009-08-27T19:28:50Z

Knuckle on a female, because they're supposed to be primed and toes is better to have because unless your wearing flipflops or your barefoot, no one sees it.


I don't care if they have hairy toes or hairy knuckles. I don't like hairy toes though. but if he has them and I'm attracted to him, I won't mind. I'm talking about men.

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